Tuesday, November 29, 2011

MLA Work Cited: An Article in a Scholarly Journal

"The exposure of rural populations to industrial hog farm pollution including ammonia (NH3), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), VOCs, bioaerosols, endotoxins, and particulate matter may lead to adverse health outcomes (e.g., respiratory ailments, immune suppression, stress, mental health problems)"(Wilson, Serre).

Sacoby M. Wilson, Marc L. Serre. "Examination of atmospheric ammonia levels near hog CAFOs, homes, and schools in Eastern North Carolina." Atmospheric Environment 41.23 (2007): 4977-4987

Annotation: This source explains the pollution that may cause health issues do to the exposure to hog CAFOs. This is useful for my essay because it explains the damage the CAFOs system is doing to human life. 

Monday, November 14, 2011

Blog Five: The CAFO System

The concentrated animal feeding operation(CAFO) system is currently the dominate production system of livestock in the United States. The CAFO's system views animals and humans as objects that can simply be dispensed. According to the CAFO's system animals were created to be slaughtered. Animals aren't treated with respect, they are cramped into small spaces without enough personal space. The slaughtering process is full of flaws that make the process extremely painful for the animals. Unfortunately the CAFO's system also treats humans as objects that can be dispensed. The CAFO's system exploits their employees in many ways, for example by mistreating and endangering them.  Management in the CAFO's system provide drugs for the employee's to alter the speed in which they work, which ends up seriously hurting or getting that employee killed. This is significant because the CAFO's wouldn't think twice about firing an injured employee, yet they put them in harms way.